Health & Beauty


There is an ancient Chinese medicine that can help you detox your body through your feet. According to the Chinese system of reflexology, feet have natural energy zones that are connected to every organ system in our body.

The experts claim that the detox through your feet can be an effective and easy way to help cleanse your body of toxins that build up over time.

Here are a few methods of detoxification

1. Ionic Foot Bath

You can also use ionic foot bath to detoxify your body from toxins. This bath is based on electrolysis, which is a method that uses electrical current to make a chemical reaction. You should use warm water to open your pores and salt is used as an anti-inflammatory astringent. Ions are absorbed through the feet and your body is getting a detox. If the salt water becomes dark, that means you are eliminating toxins from your body. There are several forms of this bath:

2. Salt Detox Bath
This is the second method, and here is what you need:

Apple cider vinegar – one cup
Sea salt – one cup
Baking soda – two cups
Epsom salt – one cup
Two or three drops of some essential oil
How to prepare the bath?

Boil one bowl of water. Add sea salt and Epsom salt and stir. Then, use hot water to fill your tub and pour the mixture inside. In the end, add the apple cider vinegar. Your bath is now ready to soak your feet and keep them there for 30 minutes. The toxins will disappear in a natural way.

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