Health & Beauty

Place a Clothespin on Your Ear For 20 Seconds. The Results Will Surprise You

The famous reflexologist Helen Chin Lui maintains that “Each ear contains a complete reflex map of the body, rich with nerve endings and multiple connectors to the central nervous system.”

She speaks about one unusual way people can boost their health, treat various issues, and experience relief soon. Namely, the technique involves placing clothespins on different areas on the ears.

The ears have 6 spots which are related to different body organs and regions. Therefore, by stimulating these spots, you can solve various health issues.

Here are the details:

The Upper Part Of The Ear

This ear part is related to the shoulders and back, so pressing it for a minute daily will reduce the built-up tension in the areas.

The Top Of the Ear’s Curve

This point is linked to the organs, and in the case of internal tenderness or discomfort, place a clothespin there to treat it.

The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear

It is related to the joints, so when pressed, it soothes the pain and stiffness in joints.

The Lower-Middle Part of the Ear

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